Engage with the Environment /
For older children the opportunity to play and build in the environment adds to the enjoyment of the day.
With the low tide, Lachlan Bay has plenty stones, shells, seaweed and driftwood to entice all levels of imagination! We've got a few ideas to get you started. If you take any photos of your creations then we'd love to see them – just upload them to our Facebook or Twitter feeds.
The bay beyond the castle is a perfect picnic spot but please do take your rubbish home with you so we can keep our beautiful spot clean for other visitors.

Beach Art
- Choose seaweed and shells to make a picture of you.
- Draw with a stick in the sand if the tide is out far enough in summer
- Choose one thing you see around you like cockle shells and use them to make a picture of the castle, filling it all in with the shells and anything else you find.
- Take a photo and post your pictures on our Facebook page or Twitter feed.

Build a stone tower
- Find stones which have flat and even surfaces if possible.
- Start with a large stone and work up steadily balancing the next stone on top of the last one.
- Make sure you can move quickly in case the tower falls!!

Beach Sculpture
Can you make an interesting sculpture from what you find on the shoreline?
Sometimes you may find items such as a bird skull, old fishing rope, large tree branches or even a soggy glove on the strandline. Use your imagination and discover how they can be used to make a sculpture.

If you have a child who loves identifying the nature around them bring along their guide book and a notebook and pen. Lachlan Bay covers a wide variety of shoreline and birdlife plus the surrounding woodland has an array of tree species and wild flowers in spring.